Thursday, April 14, 2011

Outfit Post: Argyle

So, I love me some argyle socks, but they're usually hidden away. Inspired by my new favorite blogger, Monkeyface, who blew me away with her rolled-jeans-red-socks-oxfords combo, I showed of my be-argyled ankles today. I think Monkeyface's version is more successful, but I will probably be experimenting with this more! (She also rocks the rolled-jeans-lace-up-boots combo that I'm obsessed with)

This is me being moody and Euro-trash.

Blazer: Gap
Top: Target
Jeans: Gap Outlet
Socks: Gap
Shoes: Topshop
Necklaces: Greece souvenir and Target
Scarf: Gap

1 comment:

  1. <3 love Love LOVE

    PS- I've kind of always suspected you were a bit eurotrash
